Introducing: Industry’s First Artificial Intelligent Preproduction Software

Dream a bit and think about things that excite you. It’s what makes a good company with a lot of passion.
As Tilia Labs grows into a global company, we remain committed to our humble beginnings — hacking away in Tokyo cafes and dreaming of exciting new ways to solve age-old problems. We are an agile startup
company dedicated to bringing the next generation of computer intelligence to the printing and packaging industry. Our success we owe to our passionate customers who not only drive our roadmap but fearlessly
adapt to a new age of manufacturing.
Tilia Phoenix is the industry’s first and only automated, AI-driven preproduction software for packaging, labels, commercial, and wide format.
Something like imposition in reverse, tilia Phoenix optimizes each layout across all jobs, presses, stock sizes, and finishing methods. The artificial intelligence drives to the results that reduce overall cost by discovering
combinations that humans could never consider.


Tilia Phoenix

Tilia phoenix Imposition


Tilia Phoenix